Wednesday, 26 January 2011

My 27th Birthday with the fantastic 5

So yesterday January 25, 2011 was the day I made 27 years. How do I know that I made 27? Well, get the year 1984 in which I was born and subtract that from the year 2011 which it is this year; thats how people get their age right?

My mother suggested she was 26 when she gave birth to me, and she was born in 1962, which would mean I was born in 1986, and not 84, but I'll stick with my dad's version on this. Okay, case settled. 

This day made me realise that I'm growing up -now mark my choice of words -the word is 'up', NOT 'older'; so be sure to note where I'm going with this.

I was taken out to a dinner courtesy of my old time friend Horace, together with my auntie Juliet and cousins Kandy and Steve. Horace called me in the evening around 7pm, while I was still at office, and told me the good news. I thought I had made it known that I didn't mind them giving me a break this time but of-course, we're talking about the fantastic bunch here, not so good with instructions..

But I was glad for the moment, and incredibly grateful for Horace's offer... I had a good time. I think between the order and the chit chat i gave my birthday speech, thanking everything and being uncut.
I was also being updated by texts, on the flood of birthday wishes from my Facebook friends showing up on my page. I have since been going through them and tendering in my thank yous. Facebook friends are such a supporting community! Check some of the notifications out in the picture... and that was at the beginning of the day...

The question I want to discuss, however is -what does it really mean that I'm now growing up? I didn't feel it at night, when the moment struck and numbers rolled; my intelligence quotient has not jumped into 6 figures this morning; so what does it exactly mean when one grows a year older? Moreover 27, thats the late twenties right?

Now lets not get simplistic and say it means nothing, that its just a state of the mind.

I think there are many things that I see differently since last year. Let me think more about the specifics, and the concept of age in general and then update this post when I get the right words... off now, have to leave office

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