Thursday 28 May 2009

Okuteera Oruhoko -Bahima love games

Okuteera oruhoko describes the practice that takes place when a girl refuses to marry, or when a particular girl had rejected a particular boy who wanted to marry her. The boy could force the girl to marry him using this practice.
 The offending boy had to be fined by paying huge bride wealth.
The Bahima have three ways in which the okuteera oruhoko was  done:

  1. The boy has to put a tethering rope around the girl´s neck and then pronounce in public to the community that the girl had done it herself.
  2. The second one was to put a plant known as orwiihura onto the girl’s head.- 
  3. The third one was that the boy has to sprinkle milk on the girl’s face while the girl is milking.

This practice was only possible if the girl and the boy were from different clans.

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