Sunday, 14 November 2010

Technology Transfer

Technology Documentation
Our Politicians have not put enough emphasis on models to have transfer of technology into the country, which includes skills, knowledge, technologies, methods of manufacturing, samples and prototypes for manufacturing, facilities and so on from developed  partners to ensure that scientific and technological developments are accessible by Ugandans.

Development will come if Ugandans are exposed to these methods, and can further develop and exploit the technology into new products, processes, applications, materials or services to develop the economy. China started on this processway back in the 1960s, using all means at their disposal,  and today they make everything -from military to spacecraft to the keyboard I'm using. The West did not 'donate' this technology to China, its was a great leap in the Vision of  the leaders of China then that today they're a global power. What makes our leaders think that they can Liberate their people by waiting on donations? It puzzles me..

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